The "Social Report n.2" has been based upon data gathered from 04/28/2019 to 05/25/2019.

Chart n° 1 - Accounts, posts and engagement

rep2 chart social

Chart n°2 - Data by geographical areas

2 rep social chart

Chart n°3 - Number of posts by country

poszts by country

Chart n°4 - Engagement generated by country

by country

Chart n°5 - Facebook users' mood: favorable, angry, ironic/amused, sad or surprised?

Screen Shot 2019-06-04 at 10.51.09 AM

Chart n°6 - Top 20 EU parties by post production


Chart n°7 - Top 20 EU parties by generated engagement

by enb

Chart n°8 - Facebook users' mood compared by parties

mood compared

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