Who preserves EU election campaign materials?

Online Database of EU Archives on European Elections

The online database of European archives contains a list of the archives situated in the different EU Member States that collect and preserve the electoral materials produced by national political parties during the European election campaigns from 1979 to 2019. The list includes the EU archives that actively collaborate in the activities of the European Elections Monitoring Center, in particular for the implementation of the EEMC digital archive within the project EEMC Network 20-23.


Arts and Social Sciences Library, University of Bristol


Website: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/library/special-collections/

Contacts: Hannah Lowery (H.J.Lowery@bristol.ac.uk

Country: United Kingdom

Address: Special Collections, Arts and Social Sciences Library, University of Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol, BS8 1TJ

Affiliations: University of Bristol 


University of Oxford, The Bodleian Archive 


Website: https://archives.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/

Contacts: Jeremy McIlwaine (Jeremy.mcilwaine@bodleian.ac.uk)  

Country: United Kingdom

Address: Bodleian Libraries, Broad Street, Oxford OX1 3BG

Foundation: University of Oxford

Affiliations: Conservative Party Trust  


London School of Economics Archives


Website: https://www.lse.ac.uk/library/using-the-library/access-archives-and-special-collections

Contacts: Daniel Payne (D.Payne1@lse.ac.uk

Country: United Kingdom 

Address:  London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London WC2AE, UK 

Foundation: London School of Economics


People’s History Museum


Website: https://phm.org.uk/

Contacts:  Simon Sheppard (simon.sheppard@phm.org.ac.uk)

Country: United Kingdom

Address: Left Bank, Manchester M3 3ER

Foundation: People’s History Museum  


Keskustan ja Maaseudun Arkisto


Website: https://keskusta.fi/meista/keskustan-ja-maaseudun-arkisto/

Contacts: Tuomo Sohlman, tuomo.sohlman@keskusta.fi

Country: Finland

Address: Apollonkatu 11a, 00100, Helsinki - Finland

Foundation: 1970

Affiliation: Keskusta (political party)


Svenska Centralarkivet


Website: https://svenskacentralarkivet.fi/

Contacts: Helena Kajander, helena.kajander@svenskacentralarkivet.fi

Country: Finland

Address: Snellmaninkatu 13 13 A, 00170 Helsinki

Foundation: 1977

Affiliation: Svenska folkpartiet i Finland / Suomen ruotsalainen kansanpuolue (political party)


Työväen Arkisto


Website: https://www.tyark.fi/

Contacts: Jani Kaunismäki & Hanna Jäntti, info@tyark.fi

Country: Finland

Address: Sörnäisten rantatie 25, 00500 Helsinki

Foundation: 1909

Affiliation: The Finnish social democratic labour movement


Ruotsalainen kansanpuolue – Svenska folkpartiet i Finland


Website: https://sfp.fi/fi/etusivu/

Contacts: Maria Grundström, maria.grundstrom@sfp.fi

Country: Finland

Address: Yrjönkatu 27, 00100 Helsinki

Foundation: 1906

Affiliation: Suomen ruotsalainen kansanpuolue / Svenska folkpartiet i Finland / the Swedish People’s Party of Finland


Turun Yliopiston Kirjasto, Sanomalehti- ja pienpainatepalvelut


Website: https://www.utu.fi/fi/yliopisto/kirjasto

Contacts: Sara Kannisto, sara.kannisto@utu.fi / kirjasto@utu.fi

Country: Finland

Address: Kalustekatu 1 b, 20320, Raisio

Foundation: 1919 (the rights to The Legal Deposit Office) 

Affiliation: The University of Turku


Vihreät De Gröna


Website: https://www.vihreat.fi/

Contacts: Risto Kankaanpää, risto.kankaanpaa@vihreat.fi

Country: Finland

Address: Mannerheimintie 15b A, 00260, Helsinki

Foundation: 1987

Affiliation: Vihreä liitto r.p. 




Website: https://www.liberalerna.se/

Contacts: Martin Andreasson, martin.andreasson@riksdagen.se

Country: Sweden

Address: Box 2253, 103 16, Stockholm

Foundation: 1934 (Folkpartiet)

Affiliation: Liberalerna


KADOC – KU Leuven


Website: https://kadoc.kuleuven.be/english/index

Contact: info.kadoc@kuleuven.be

Country: Belgium

Address: Vlamingenstraat, 39 3000, Leuven

Foundation: 1976

Affiliation: KU Leuven




Website: https://www.liberas.eu/en/ 

E-mail: info@liberas.eu

Country: Belgium

Address: Kramersplein 23, 9000, Gent, Belgium

Foundation: 1982


Poster collection at the Austrian National Library


Website: www.onb.ac.at

Contacts: bildarchiv@onb.ac.at

Country: Austria

Address: Josefsplatz 1, 1015 Vienna- Austria

Foundation: 1916

Affiliation: Austrian National Library


ASTERISC. Communication Research Group


Website: https://www.comunicacio.urv.cat/en/research/

Contacts: Juan Luis Gonzalo Iglesia

Country: Spain

Address: Av. Catalunya, 35. 43002 Tarragona

Foundation: 2009

Affiliation: Universitat Rovira i Virgili


Documentation Centre on Communication (CEDOC) 


Website: https://www.uab.cat/web/libraries-1345738247610.html 

Contact: cedoc@uab.cat 

Adress: CEDOC. Biblioteca de Comunicació i Hemeroteca General, Edifici N, Planta 1, Plaça Cívica, 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) 

Foundation: 1973 

Affiliation: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (https://www.uab.cat)  


Archives de la Fondation de l’écologie politique


Website: https://www.archivesecolo.org/

Contacts: Meixin Tambay, m.tambay@fondationecolo.org

Country: France

Address: 33 rue de la Colonie, 75013 Paris, France.

Foundation: 2013


Fondation Jean-Jaurès 


Website: www.archives-socialistes.fr 

Contact: TOUATI Guillaume 

Country: France 

Address: 12 cité Malesherbes, 75009, Paris 

Foundation: 1992 


Fondazione Istituto piemontese A. Gramsci


Website: http://www.gramscitorino.it/

Contacts: Claudio Salin; archivio@gramscitorino.it

Country: Italy

Address: via del Carmine 14, 10122, Turin - Italy

Foundation: 1974


Fondazione Gramsci Onlus Emilia-Romagna


Website: http://www.fondazionegramsci.org/

Contacts: Giovanna Bosman (archivio@fondazionegramsci.org), Cristiana Pipitone (archivio1@fondazionegramsci.org) 

Country: Italy

Address: via Sebino 43A, 00199, Rome – Italy

Foundation: 1950

Affiliation: Fondazione Gramsci Onlus


Historical Archives of the European Union


Website: www.eui.eu/HistArchives

Database: http://archives.eui.eu

Contacts: archiv@eui.eu 

Country: Italy

Address: Via Bolognese 156 - 50139 Firenze

Foundation: 1984


House of European History


Website: https://historia-europa.ep.eu

Contact: Historia@europarl.europa.eu

Country: Belgium

Visiting address: Rue Belliard 135, 1000 Brussels

Postal address: House of European History, European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Brussels

Opening: 2017

Affiliation: European Parliament


Istituto Luigi Sturzo


Website: https://sturzo.it/

Contacts: Concetta Argiolas, archivio@sturzo.it

Country: Italy

Address: Via delle Coppelle 35 – 00186 Rome, Italy

Foundation: 1951


Front of the Greek Anti-Capitalist Left


Website: https://antarsya.gr/

e-mail: info@antarsya.gr

Country: Greece

Foundation: 2009


Recreate Greece


Website: https://www.dimiourgiaxana.gr/en/

e-mail: info@dimiourgiaxana.gr

Country: Greece

Foundation: 2011


Union of Centrists


Website: https://enosi-kentroon.gr/ek/english/

e-mail: info@enosi-kentroon.gr

Country: Greece

Address: 28 Karolou Street, 104 37, Athens, Greece

Foundation: 1992


Lab of Political Communication and Information Media


Website: http://lab-com.pspa.uoa.gr/

e-mail: labcom@labcom-uoa.gr

Country: Greece

Address: 42-44 Aiolou Street, 105 60, Athens, Greece

Foundation: 1884

Affiliation: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


National Historical Museum


Website: https://www.nhmuseum.gr/en/

e-mail: collections@nhmuseum.grlibrary@nhmuseum.gr; info@nhmuseum.gr

Country: Greece

Address: Old Parliament Building, 13 Stadiou Street, 105 61, Athens, Greece

Foundation: 1984