Country report: SWEDEN
The "Country report: SWEDEN" has been based upon data gathered from 28/04/2019 to 15/05/2019.
Alongside the visual representation of the data, a qualitative interpretation is offered.
Chart n°1 - Content typology

All Swedish parties have now published their posters, some paper ads and videos. However, only Socialdemokraterna decided to purchase airtime for their spot on TV. The other parties decided to disseminate their videos on social media and their own websites. All parties have rather intense activity on their Facebook page (posts from the Centerpartiet and Feministiskt initiativ are not collected due to technical limitations of the system).
Chart n°2 - Focus

A vast majority of all political communication efforts made by the parties have an exclusively European perspective (62%). Some posters and social media posts contrast EU and Swedish perspectives (14,4 %) and only 10 % have a domestic perspective. European election campaigns are sometimes accused of focusing on domestic issues instead of European. This seems not to be the case in Sweden. There are however, some differences between the parties, where Moderaterna and Centerpartiet are more inclined to emphasize national perspectives and Eurosceptic parties like Sverigedemokraterna use a contrast perspective in their appeals. Miljöpartiet tend to neither use European nor domestic perspectives in their propaganda, whereas the pro-European Liberalerna appeals have the most visible European perspective.
Chart n°3 - How is Europe represented?

In general, Swedish political parties seem to have a more positive than a negative image of Europe in their political communication. However, one should be aware of that does not necessarily mean that EU is seen in a positive light. Some parties contrast Europe and EU, where the former is seen as positive and the latter from a more critical perspective. The general view on EU is rather clear positive in the parties framing of Europe. Liberalerna have an almost exclusively positive perspective of Europe, whereas more Eurosceptic parties (Sverigdemokraterna and Kristdemokraterna) have a more ambivalent view in their appeals.
Chart n°4 - Rational, emotional or neutral?

Political communication in the Sweden European elections seem to be predominately neutral in its rhetoric. One third can be considered as emotional and only a small part use rationality as rhetorical approach. This pattern seems to be a general pattern, even if Moderaterna and Miljöpartiet more often use statistics and other rational arguments in their political communication.
To download the "Country report: SWEDEN" in pdf format:
Chart n°1 - Content typology
All Swedish parties have now published their posters, some paper ads and videos. However, only Socialdemokraterna decided to purchase airtime for their spot on TV. The other parties decided to disseminate their videos on social media and their own websites. All parties have rather intense activity on their Facebook page (posts from the Centerpartiet and Feministiskt initiativ are not collected due to technical limitations of the system).
Chart n°2 - Focus
A vast majority of all political communication efforts made by the parties have an exclusively European perspective (62%). Some posters and social media posts contrast EU and Swedish perspectives (14,4 %) and only 10 % have a domestic perspective. European election campaigns are sometimes accused of focusing on domestic issues instead of European. This seems not to be the case in Sweden. There are however, some differences between the parties, where Moderaterna and Centerpartiet are more inclined to emphasize national perspectives and Eurosceptic parties like Sverigedemokraterna use a contrast perspective in their appeals. Miljöpartiet tend to neither use European nor domestic perspectives in their propaganda, whereas the pro-European Liberalerna appeals have the most visible European perspective.
Chart n°3 - How is Europe represented?
In general, Swedish political parties seem to have a more positive than a negative image of Europe in their political communication. However, one should be aware of that does not necessarily mean that EU is seen in a positive light. Some parties contrast Europe and EU, where the former is seen as positive and the latter from a more critical perspective. The general view on EU is rather clear positive in the parties framing of Europe. Liberalerna have an almost exclusively positive perspective of Europe, whereas more Eurosceptic parties (Sverigdemokraterna and Kristdemokraterna) have a more ambivalent view in their appeals.
Chart n°4 - Rational, emotional or neutral?
Political communication in the Sweden European elections seem to be predominately neutral in its rhetoric. One third can be considered as emotional and only a small part use rationality as rhetorical approach. This pattern seems to be a general pattern, even if Moderaterna and Miljöpartiet more often use statistics and other rational arguments in their political communication.
To download the "Country report: SWEDEN" in pdf format:
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Country Report, SWEDEN (28/04/19 - 15/05/19)