European Elections Monitoring Center: Introduction, Results, and the Future

Chair: Edoardo Novelli; Norbert Merkovity
  • The Clash of Symbols in Forty Years of European Electoral Campaigns: A Path of Visual Analysis (Edoardo Novelli).
  • Campaigns Without Frontiers: The Europeanisation of the 2019 Elections to the European Parliament Based on the Appearance of Foreign Politicians in National Campaigns (Péter Bence Stumpf, Orsolya Szabó Palócz, Norbert Merkovity).
  • Campaigning for Europe ‘after’ the Economic ‘Crisis’: The Cases of Greece and Portugal (Stamatis Poulakidakos, Claudia Alvares, Anna Coutinho, Iliana Giannouli, Anastasia Veneti, Antonis Armenakis).
  • A Gulf Across the Irish Sea? The European Election Campaigns in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland (Nathan Ritchie, Dominic Wring, Kevin Rafter, Cristian Vaccari).
  • A Comparative Analysis of the 2019 European Elections Campaigning of Political Parties Belonging to Identity and Democracy Group (Melissa Stolfi).